Giving Campaign 2024

Dear Friends,

In this next chapter of my life, I have entered into an herbal medicine program at the Northeast School of Botanical Medicine in Ithaca, NY, where I will study with a highly esteemed herbal practitioner, 7Song. In this 6 month full time course that runs through November, we will learn all about plants, the human body, current health issues, remedies, and how to make them. We will travel all over the U.S. assisting at a festival first aids tent and visiting some of our beautiful national parks. At the end I will be a “certified” practitioner able to assist others with herbal solutions. I am keeping my future options open, as I enter into this new chapter. I want to see where this course takes me, and give myself time to integrate into my artistic/daily life practice. 

In deciding to do this program, I have rearranged my living and work situations, while also draining my savings to help pay for the tuition of the course. The instructor has allowed me to be on an “artist repayment plan” as he calls it, which I am grateful for. I see the next several months, as me investing in myself, so that I am better abled to assist others and support myself in ways that are fulfilling to me that also align with my core values and beliefs. And not to mention that my classroom will be in places where I find myself the most happy, outdoors, in nature, breathing in clean air, while also paying respect to all the living things around. 

In an effort to help with the cost of school and expenses, I’ve decided to launch a campaign to raise $8,100.  $3,100 = Remainder of tuition ($4,100 originally and I’ve paid $1,000 so far) & $5,000 for class expenses such as tools, books, travel & loss of wages. Each contribution will be matched with a “gift.” These gifts will range from an artwork made by me over the last 10 years, a new work from my current show and travels, and/or gaining future access to my herbal practice. Each contribution will further assist me in my studies and next chapter post school. 

Gift Levels of Support: 
$50– a 5″ x 7″ Print from the “Be Authentic” Series.
$100– a T-shirt from my store (See website, sizes limited).
$250– a Cyanotype Print from my upcoming travels.
$500– an Herbal Consultation for an individual/household (digital or in-person if within NYS), a 2 hour initial meeting, w/ follow-ups & plant remedies offered. 
$1000– an Herbal Consultation and a Few artworks made by me from my collection over the last 10 years.

Contributions can be made:
Venmo: @Tina-Dillman-1
Checks: Tina Dillman, P.O. Box 4566, Rome, NY 13442 

I also have other artworks available on my website, if you’re interested in supporting in other ways, along with some ideas for supporting in alternative ways.

If you have any questions about the campaign you can reach me via email at: tinadillmanprojects at gmail dot com.

Thank you for your support!!! XXO


GOAL: $8,100 —-NEED $6,600

What does being “burnt out” really look like, Pt. 1

Over the last 20 years, I have had the pleasure of conspiring with hundreds of artists from various disciplines for exhibits, one-day/night events with dance, music, performance, drag, photo, film, video, food, installations, and of course the typical fundraiser, because we always have to think about where are resources are coming from. As an artist, whose mission is to support other artists and the greater community, needless to say my endeavors and the system in which we operate have worn me down. I used to be vivacious. Unstoppable with any idea that came to mind with the energy to endure said project. And I never let anything come in the way of achieving said idea, as any obstacle that came in my way, was just another challenge for me to overcome, and overcome I did.

For 20 years, I have maneuvered around, looking for opportunity, learning over time where to look and how to find the answer to my situation. (It’s all in your network, people!) I never let a ‘no’ response keep me from doing what I thought was necessary to complete a project, but with that, I do have to share that it is very essential to always stay fluid. You need to know how to adapt your idea/project to the parameters you are given (and/or figure out a way to work within them—if you know what I mean). It is possible to accomplish anything, just sometimes (actually almost always) you need to compromise. Which, is a very important soft skill to learn and master, and at the youngest of years you can do this, the more happier you’ll be. Cause, at the end of the day, it’s all about expectations. The sooner you learn that having none or a minimum will assist you as you go along in life. And let me be clear: I am not saying to not reach for the moon or stars, just know what steps you need to take to get you there, and be sure to follow that path, however long it takes and/or wherever it takes you. The journey should be cherished.

So, this next thought leads me into what they don’t teach you in grade school, high school, college, adult life, corporate work, etc… Self-care. This concept should be at the root of every living person’s foundation. We should learn to master this sooner than getting a regents diploma, not after the fact, if ever if you’re lucky. Self-care is closely tied to self-love, and well just plain love really. Something else that most of us are not taught or have seen what healthy love looks and feels like (just read bell hooks all about love, to get started). If you’re fortunate you’ll get to experience its purest sense. But before I wander too far, let’s go back to what self-care entails.

Self-care is not a one-size fits all. It takes many shapes and looks quite different from one person to the next, as it is tailored to each individual. How does one properly care for themselves under the constraints of living? I know this sounds like a daunting question, but the answer can be as simple as waking up 15 minutes early so you can have a few minutes to meditate and be by yourself, alone, to think, breathe, drink coffee/tea, read, listen to the news, whatever your happy little joy is. In the end it really is all about time and how you choose to spend it and with whom. (And somewhere in there, you need to figure out what things/people bring you joy, but I think that is another topic for another time.)

Every life is complicated, but we have choices. We can choose how we spend our lives that is our greatest gift to ourselves and the rest of the world. And if you can keep in mind this thought that if you’re not happy and you don’t love yourself, how can you expect to be there and show up for other people the way you expect them. It all starts with you. So take that 15 minutes somewhere in the day and do what makes you happy and brings you joy. And then see how to expand on that 15 as time goes on. This is my advice to you. Take care of yourself.

As I have recently returned from nowhere land. Or else that’s what being burnt out feels like. It feels like you are drifting along on a wooden raft at sea as everything and everyone pass by you, but you are not in reaching distance for them to help or for yourself to safely escape. As you are drifting along alone in the middle of nowhere the things in life that once you were passionate about have disappeared like ghosts that haunt you but to no avail you can no longer touch or feel. And the world continues to pass by as you drift along. You feel helpless, sometimes anxious, as your meager attempts fail. But you keep going. You keep doing. You keep breathing. You keep thinking about tomorrow and the next day, as everyone needs a plan, and the more time you put into it the better your chances are for success. Or at least that is what they tell me.



PS—another person’s words (Alice Walker) to leave you with: “Resistance is the secret of joy.”

Sometimes self-care can look like this, because you have lost your passion for life. Costa Rica, Pacific Coast, Fall 2021.

May Sale—Fundraiser for Europe

Hello Friends! 

I have some exciting news…the universe has aligned for me to travel again in the name of art.  At the end of this month, I will be traveling back to Europe for the first time in 10 years!!!  The last time I was there was as a graduate student at SFAI.  I can’t believe time has passed by so quickly, but here we are. 

Thanks to my best artist bud, Erik Richard Parra, I will be visiting Amsterdam for the very first time to see the Vermeer show and I can’t wait!  But, before I arrive there, I will be reunited with my long-time collaborator, Liv Fontaine, in England, to produce new work and who knows what kind of (good) trouble.  Then later in the summer, I have been invited to Italy to further my studies on herbalism and once again be in the company of the most amazing Sarah Wu, whom I first had the pleasure of working with in Costa Rica (2022). 

As I plan for these upcoming trips, I am trying to stay optimistic that things will work out, but I also have to face the realization that I don’t have the means to do everything that I want to do right now.  The opportunities for an artist like myself in Central New York, have been limited, but I would love to be able to utilize these upcoming opportunities and make the most of them.  I mean it’s been 10 years since I last visited this continent, so these upcoming short trips are long overdue. 

So, let me help you, by you helping me.  

I would like to offer you all the possibility to support my practice in exchange for a token of your gratitude I will gift you a new art piece created from my trip.

–For a contribution of $75: I will mail you something from my travels. 
–For a contribution of $150: I will mail you a small print series (2-3 images) from the photographs I take during my travels. 
–For a contribution of $225: I will mail you an 8 x 10 inches print from the work that I produce with Liv.  
–With any contribution over $225: I will mail you a set of small art works created by me on my travels. 

I have also made available some artwork, prints, and other affordable merchandise on my website that I can ship to you, or if you live close we can set up a delivery.  This work of mine is just sitting in boxes, stagnant, when they were made to be worn or admired on a wall.  If you see something that catches your eye let me know.  Payment can be submitted via Paypal:, Venmo: @Tina-Dillman-1, or you can send a check–my mailing address is located in the footer of this email.  

Thank you! Your support is always much appreciated!



Upcoming Performance @ the Everson Museum

Please join us on Thursday, February 9, 6-8pm, at the Everson Museum of Art in Syracuse, for the launch of a new performance project, I LOVE ME. Museum guests will have the opportunity to play game like exercises that dive into the notion of self-care and love, while experiencing the museum through a different perspective. Guests will also have the opportunity to purchase merchandise such as totes, stickers, buttons, prints, and t-shirts from the Be Authentic line. If you’re in the area, we hope to see you there!

New Year New Pad

As of December 2022, I became a resident of the Gear Factory in Syracuse, New York. If you’re coming through the area, please stop by for a visit and tour of this amazing building, where creativity is happening on all the floors. I am so happy that I found this place!

Collab w/ Mike Dyar

Available for the month of December, a collaboration with San Francisco based mail artist Mike Dyar, from 2021, a limited edition (1/5) mixed media work for $150/each. Interested parties should contact Tina at: tina m dillman @