40th Birthday Sale

In light of my upcoming 40th birthday (March 31), I’ve reopened the sale on the drawings from the “Our Desires” collection (2015-16). This collaborative project includes 100 Desires in the form of I want from dozens of anonymous artists from around the country. Each drawing (5” x 7”, archival ink on watercolor paper) was scanned and printed and 5 handmade books were made.  Each available drawing is $40/each and I have 1 book available for $1000.

If interested in purchasing a drawing you can review the available drawing list , and once you’ve chosen your Desire, please send payment through Paypal: paypal.me/TinaDillman or Venmo: @Tina-Dillman-1. Please be sure to include the number that correlates to the Desire(s) of your choice. Celebrate 40+ years of living and get yourself that Desire!

Any questions please contact Tina @ tinadillmanprojects at gmail.com.