Back in January 2016, I produced a new series of work titled, Our Desires, which was a collaborative text based project that included 100 original drawings of affirmative sayings that were meant to inspire one another for a more collective forward thinking approach to life. This project was intended to help raise funds for Project Grant programming, and as I finish up the season, I am working relentlessly to fill in the gap of the this year’s budget. Each archival drawing is on a sheet of 5″x7″ high quality watercolor paper by Strathmore, and is one of a kind. For a limited time only, (now through August 31), the remaining drawings from this series are on sale for $25/each-see below for list of available sayings. To make a purchase click this link, add $5 for shipping, and email me at [email protected] with the number corresponding to your desired drawing(s).
AVAILABLE DRAWINGS: Please note that these “desires” were submitted anonymously by artists from around the globe whom I’ve worked with on various projects including Project Grant. Each “desire” was categorized into one of five sections: Love, Sex, Politics, Cultural and Personal, and were not intended to offend any person, but to operate within the free space of speech.
1. I want all people to feel comfortable having their own desires.
2. I want all people to live in peace and harmony.
3. I want all people to be treated fairly and equally.
4. I want all people to treat each other the way they would want to be treated.
6. I want people to stop complaining and take action.
8. I want no animals to be endangered.
9. I want people to not live in fear.
10. I want peace.
13. I want our government including the corporations that fund them, to start listening to the people and provide for us like you should.
14. I want the government to put an end to gun violence.
15. I want our country to stop spending the majority of our revenue on the military.
16. I want the government to invest more in green/alternative energies that will benefit the society as a whole.
17. I want an economic system where it becomes harder and more expensive the larger your business gets.
18. I want to see an end to the privatization of common/social services.
19. I want our politicians to stop enacting legislation that only benefits “their” friends and associates.
20. I want free healthcare for all.
21. I want better “fast food” options, available nation wide.
23. I want individuals to not be penalized or brutalized for voicing their opinion.
24. I want individuals to not be beaten for standing up for their rights.
25. I want all individuals to live a free life.
26. I want all families to have a safe place to call home.
27. I want those individuals with the most money in the world to contribute to the well being of everyone else.
28. I want the American Government to start taking proper care of its people.
29. I want people to support their local businesses instead of box stores.
30. I want people who have worked hard all their lives to not worry about money when they are ready to retire.
31. I want everyone to treat others with the upmost respect.
32. I want everyone living on this planet to have fair access to the basic essentials of life.
33. I want to live in a fair and equal world.
34. I want all wars to end.
36. I want the best for everyone.
37. I want people to care more about others.
38. I want people to care more about the environment.
39. I want people to care more about the future.
40. I want peace.
41. I want you to want me.
44. I want to always make you cum.
47. I want to bring you to orgasm with my mouth.
49. I want to watch you masturbate.
51. I want to remove hate from our daily lives.
52. I want all women to feel comfortable with their bodies, and have a positive self-esteem.
53. I want all women to have the right to decide on matters concerning their bodies.
54. I want all women to have the same access and be treated as equals by men.
55. I want gender inequality to end.
56. I want race inequality to end.
57. I want people to learn how to accept those that are different from them.
58. I want God or Goddess, if there is a God or Goddess, to end all conflicts being waged in His/Her honor.
59. I want people to be able to practice their choice of religion/spirituality without conflict.
60. I want free education, including college for all.
61. I want all of our youth to receive a top-notch education.
62. I want people to watch less television and read more books.
63. I want more people to buy art and support arts and cultural institutions.
64. I want people to stop buying useless things.
65. I want people to inspire me.
66. I want people to feel safe loving each other.
67. I want someone to cuddle with.
68. I want someone to go to the movies with me.
69. I want someone to join a bowling league with me.
70. I want someone to go camping with me.
71. I want someone to admire the stars with me.
72. I want someone to go hiking, and jump into pools of warm water with me.
73. I want someone to go frolicking in the fields with me.
74. I want someone to love me the way I would love them.
77. I want people to like me.
78. I want peace of mind.
79. I want to have lucid dreams.
80. I Want, I Need, Escape from Me.
83. I want to learn to say no.
84. I want my mom to find a reason big enough to give up alcohol and cigarettes.
87. I want a house in my hometown and to keep my studio in NYC.
88. I want enough money so my bank account doesn’t go to 0 each month.
89. I want to create a million(!!!) projects with artists and lay people all over the world.
91. I want my enemies to like me, and my friends to love me.
92. I want to be respected by my peers and colleagues.
93. I want nothing to do with petty issues or people for that matter.
96. I want to live/have a sustainable lifestyle.
99. I want all my loved ones to be happy.
100. I want to never want again.