
Performance artists are not the kind of people who wish to be discovered working in garrets but, rather, hope to change the world.  – Martha Wilson

I am interested in the possibility of selflessness.  This inquiry stems from witnessing the sacrifices my parents endured in order to provide me with the opportunities that they did not have access to.  My parent’s who raised me on their blue-collar, factory earnings, influenced my perception of a strong work ethic and the meaning of devotion, all while our surroundings of a thriving manufacturing area of Central New York, was turning into a wasteland of broken dreams and vacant buildings.  I can’t escape the vivid memories and traumas of my childhood, so I embrace them and acknowledge how they have sculpted my attitude, and beliefs toward the role of art in our society, and my art making process.  My personal history and that of my family has given me the foundation in which to stand, and art has crafted my voice, so that I may share my gifts with the world. 

I am a civil servant.  I create moments, experiences, and opportunities for others by using art as a vehicle that strategically maneuvers through a social setting, by adapting to the needs and wants of the community in which I am inhabiting.  I believe that art is a vital tool that can be utilized to achieve societal advancement, and enhance our daily lives.  I sometimes create text based work when I want to communicate thoughts and feelings that I feel strongly about.  These works are then readily available to the public sphere, because I believe that art should be accessible to the everyday person, and also accessible to all, no matter their level of education.  I sometimes speak in front of others, because I believe that knowledge is power and it is best when shared.  

I am primarily interested in producing work for non-traditional art world settings, where one can develop a dialogue around art that expands the accessibility, and typical networks of viewership.  This concept is then further enhanced by producing, and partaking in events or exhibitions with either no entry fee or are based on a sliding scale, so as to eliminate a precursory boundary that correlates to the economic inequalities found in America.  I want to challenge the capitalistic and patriarchal power structure that is embedded within our society that truly keeps us from achieving our dreams.  I want freedom.  I want us all to find our true selves and be happy.  I want us all to be free.