For the graduate lecture series this week, Tony Labat shared his vivid and daring self with us through documentation that consisted of images and video, that began while he was still living in Miami in the 70’s, to his most recent work at PAI, which may be taken down by Monday, so he highly encouraged us to visit. (If you do pass by it, you can’t miss it, it’s largely written across the front glass window panels. Probably best read though from across the street.) In relation to this recent signage work, Tony stressed that he wants his work to reach as many viewers as possible, for free. I thought it ironic that he specifically brought up his work at BAN 6, because it so happens, I’ve been documenting the BAN show and about a month ago when I visited BAN 6 for the third time, I saw an “ideal couple” hanging out front of YBCA, as if they were waiting for me to take their picture, Tina, take my picture. I usually don’t take this sort of action and ask people to pose, let alone assist me in achieving my desired image, but on this fine day, it was necessary.