Scottish Sculpture Workshop, Lumsden, Scotland, April 10 – May 1, 2013
Before arriving to this residency I had a few ideas of what projects I wanted to work on, based on the access I was to have to the different facilities and tools. After settling into this desolate area, I realized that I wanted to leave as little of a trail of existing there as possible. The beautiful untouched acreage that surrounds the residency and the slow pace of the people in the countryside, influenced my movements and behavior within the space. I used what materials were (a.) found within the landscape, (b.) freely available at the residency, and (c.) cost under a pound at the local shop. I understand these works to be seen as transformative exercises that incorporate aspects of the body and home.

Lichtenberg Studios, Berlin, Germany, March 25 – April 1, 2013
Upon arriving to the district of Lichtenberg, formally of East Berlin, I came with no expectations and just let my feet direct me in where to go. I explored the neighborhood with a camera, a trash bag and a map. I took photos of what caught my eye aesthetically and what I thought expressed the history, the present and possibly the future. There was always so much to see between the tall apartment buildings and what I found on the ground. The objects I collected I felt represented the people of the neighborhood in terms of what products/materials they are purchasing/using and then leaving behind. These were my anthropological finds, Remainders.

On my last day at the residency, I spent three hours in the cold, creating a sculptural intervention. I choose one object from my collection of objects, and built a sculpture in the park located next to the residency that had building elements from the old city hall, the same building that now houses the Lichtenberg Studios. I felt that all the elements from my time there came together in this intervention, and by using the snow as the binding element for the work, it allowed the actual environment to come into play.
The Remains that Remind Us that We are Still Here, 2013, Snow and found object, a fake X-mas tree.